Ode to the Dells

It feels like summer

yet also feels a little like fall

What a gift

a gentle, cooling breeze can be

Green leaves softly sway back & forth

against a backdrop of birds chirping,

chasing one another across a slightly cloudy, gorgeous sky

They call out to one another

and it’s almost like they beckon me to join them

I would gladly glide through the clouds with them

perch on the branches of those peacefully swaying trees

and call out to more beings to join us in this humble,

yet breathtaking delight

Down below me, a squirrel

scurries across the patio, ready to play and chase and eat

How I wish I might join him

and play and chase and eat all day

to climb trees to the highest heights and to enjoy the fruits and nuts and yummy deliciousness

that nature has to offer us

The soothing smell of the lake wafts by on the breeze

And I take a deep inhale

I watch the ducks glide through the water, the boats languidly go by

And I feel like I’m part of a grand secret

As if every living force around me has invited me out to fly, to climb, to glide

to enjoy the gifts that this beautiful landscape has extended to us

And I join them, willingly

eager to learn, to grow, to be

one with all that’s around me

On a deep, calming breath

I relax into all that is being freely given to me this day

What a gift the simplest things can be

Pam R. Johnson Davis (she/her) | Personal | Instagram | Twitter | Book | Reading of Ode to the Dells